
I just updated the WorkingWithMaven and RequestFactoryInterfaceValidator 
wiki pages with simplified configuration for RFIV, taking advantage of the 
recently released m2e-apt connector from JBoss.

The previous versions used a "hack" to make it working seamlessly with 
Eclipse, namely to add the folder where the source was generated as a 
source folder using the build-helper-maven-plugin. Technically this wasn't 
necessary because the maven-processor-plugin already added it to the Maven 
project, but M2Eclipse has no knowledge of the maven-processor-plugin so it 
didn't work, and the build-helper-maven-plugin "hack" was necessary.
Also, the maven-processor-plugin was used in the generate-sources phase so 
that M2Eclipse would run it on each changed source file, and could later 
compile the generated source.
m2e-apt takes care or configuring Eclipse's JDT APT from the 
maven-compiler-plugin or maven-processor-plugin configuration in the POM, 
so we can switch to simply add the RFIV to the maven-compiler-plugin, and 
m2e-apt will

Note that this won't work with pre-1.0 versions of M2Eclipse, so it rules 
out Galileo (3.5). If that's a problem, we could add back the previous 
configuration for use with pre-1.0 versions of M2E.

Feedback welcome!


Diff of the changes:
http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/source/detail?r=11019 (RFIV)


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