File user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/SplitLayoutPanel.java

super.setWidgetHidden(widget, hidden);
Note that if you move this line above the splitter, you don't even need
the assertIsChild, as it's done in setWidgetHidden anyway.

In general I prefer it that way: first do what's supposed to be done,
then add the other things. If the normal processing throws, your
additions won't run; that's what you want, and you get it for free. You
don't need to synchronize your preconditions with the ones of the other
class in the event they'd change a bit, etc. it just works the way it's
supposed to work.

YMMV of course, and the code you have here should work great. So no need
to change it unless someone else asks you, or you want to change it.



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