Hello all, a friend of mine and I are enrolled in a 
software engineering course at a university for computer science and, for 
our first project, we must contribute to an open source project. We have 
chosen GWT for our project, as it's Java-based and we both have experience 
with that language as well as general web development.

For our project we must implement two feature requests or bug fixes, but by 
Wednesday we need to have those issues chosen and proof that we can build 
the project from the source code and replicate them. Here are the two 
issues we have chosen that were able to replicate:

What we need now is some sort of proof that our fixes, when the time comes, 
will be accepted at some point. Is there a place to ask, or a person to 
contact, that can let us know that fixes will be accepted? Obviously this 
depends on the actual nature of our fixes but for the purpose of this 
assignment, it's assumed that we can fix these problems. We are both new to 
contributing to open source projects and any information will be helpful to 


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