Thomas Broyer has posted comments on this change.

Change subject: Use JSON.parse() instead of eval() to deserialize rpc callback payload

Patch Set 1: Code-Review-2


AFAICT, this change is kind of useless without some "negotiation" of the protocol version on the server-side (writing with the same protocol version as the request used), and deferred-binding on the client-side to use protocol version 7 on IE6-7 (where JSON.parse is not available; I think we can safely assume all other browsers have JSON.parse:

This requires a huge refactoring of the server code though.

This change, as is (except entirely removing the eval() codepath), will be OK in a year from now though, when we'll definitely remove support for IE6-7 (I though we talked about the end of this year on the SC meeting, which would rather be GWT 2.6, but IIUC Ray & Daniel's I/O talk they said GWT 3.0)

File user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/rpc/impl/
Line 97:       append("0");
That means that infinity and NaN don't roundtrip, which is a breaking change.

Couldn't we emit "+Infinity", "-Infinity" and "NaN" as strings and modify ClientSerializationStreamReader to use Number(x) for parsing (will accept either one of number or string, and act accordingly, parsing "+Infinity" and "-Infinity" as positive and negative infinity, and failing to parse "NaN" as a number thus returning NaN; ServerSerializationStreamReader already does the right thing as it uses Double.parseDouble).

ClientSerializationStreamReader in DevMode could (should?) also use JSON parsing then.

File user/super/com/google/gwt/user/translatable/com/google/gwt/user/client/rpc/impl/
Line 37:   private static native JavaScriptObject parse(String encoded) /*-{
We have JsonUtils.safeEval() already.

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Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Gerrit-Change-Id: I6062180397f5fabed1dd5f08140c2bd43a19fa9f
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: gwt
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: John Ahlroos <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Brian Slesinsky <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Colin Alworth <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Leeroy Jenkins <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Thomas Broyer <>
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes

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