> Unfortunately, the JDT JARs contain JARs as resources (used by some sort
> of OSGi classloader dance I suppose) and we need internal APIs from one of
> those, that we have extracted. So unless the JARs available in Central have
> solved this issue (either extracted the JAR as a distinct artifact, or
> possibly merged it with the deployed artifact), it won't work.

Which one, the one on GWT Tools or the ones in Maven Central Repo? (I want
to have a look at it just for the sake of curiosity)

> Either we'll reference the dependency right from GWT_TOOLS (http URL to
> the SVN repo, without the need to "svn checkout" the repo beforehand) and
> bundle it into gwt-dev like we do now (so that it works at runtime without
> an external dependency), or we'll publish it to Central (in a
> com.google.gwt.thirdparty groupId).
> There were discussions about rebasing JDT inside a
> com.google.gwt.thirdparty subpackage too (the problem currently being
> possible conflicts with other libs that need JDT too)

I vote for or "publishing it to Central",  com.google.gwt.thirdparty
groupId is ok,
For example, Jetty project does this in a groupId named "

(curiously they do it also for "org.eclipse.jdt.core" which is used for JSP
but without rebasing and I got conflicts debugging in GWT DevMode together
with JSP on a Jetty 7 server because of different JDT in the classpath.
Anyhow I would prefer to have both GWT and Jetty to depend on the same JDT
dependency rather than having rebased dependencies inherited on my project).


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