
I set up my Eclipse to contribute to GWT and worked through the Readme to 
set up an Eclipse workspace.
All errors are gone in my Eclipse (Springsource Toolsuite) now, but I'm not 
able to run any GWTTestCase from within my Eclipse.

The Ant build runs successfully.

When trying to run any GWTTestCase I get this error:

java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: 
The import org.eclipse.jetty cannot be resolved
The import org.eclipse.jetty cannot be resolved
The import org.eclipse.jetty cannot be resolved
The import org.eclipse.jetty cannot be resolved
The import org.eclipse.jetty cannot be resolved
The import org.eclipse.jetty cannot be resolved
The import org.eclipse.jetty cannot be resolved
The import org.eclipse.jetty cannot be resolved
The import org.eclipse.jetty cannot be resolved
The import org.eclipse.jetty cannot be resolved
The import org.eclipse.jetty cannot be resolved
The import org.eclipse.jetty cannot be resolved
The import org.eclipse.jetty cannot be resolved
The import org.eclipse.jetty cannot be resolved
The import org.eclipse.jetty cannot be resolved
The import org.eclipse.jetty cannot be resolved
AbstractLifeCycle cannot be resolved to a type
RequestLog cannot be resolved to a type
Request cannot be resolved to a type
Response cannot be resolved to a type
AbstractHttpConnection cannot be resolved to a type
HttpFields cannot be resolved to a type
Field cannot be resolved to a type
Logger cannot be resolved to a type
Logger cannot be resolved to a type
Server cannot be resolved to a type
WebAppContext cannot be resolved to a type
Server cannot be resolved to a type
WebAppContext cannot be resolved to a type
Server cannot be resolved to a type
WebAppContext cannot be resolved to a type
Log cannot be resolved
WebAppContext cannot be resolved to a type
Server cannot be resolved to a type
WebAppContext cannot be resolved to a type
Server cannot be resolved to a type
Log cannot be resolved
Log cannot be resolved
Server cannot be resolved to a type
Server cannot be resolved to a type
Log cannot be resolved
WebAppContext cannot be resolved to a type
WebAppClassLoader cannot be resolved to a type
The method findResource(String) of type 
JettyLauncher.WebAppContextWithReload.WebAppClassLoaderExtension must 
override or implement a supertype method
WebAppClassLoader cannot be resolved to a type
WebAppClassLoader cannot be resolved to a type
The method findClass(String) of type 
JettyLauncher.WebAppContextWithReload.WebAppClassLoaderExtension must 
override or implement a supertype method
WebAppClassLoader cannot be resolved to a type
The method isServerClass(String) is undefined for the type 
WebAppClassLoader cannot be resolved to a type
The method addClassPath(String) is undefined for the type 
The method getInitParams() is undefined for the type 
The method setParentLoaderPriority(boolean) is undefined for the type 
The method isSystemClass(String) of type 
JettyLauncher.WebAppContextWithReload must override or implement a 
supertype method
WebAppContext cannot be resolved to a type
The method doStart() of type JettyLauncher.WebAppContextWithReload must 
override or implement a supertype method
The method 
is undefined for the type JettyLauncher.WebAppContextWithReload
WebAppContext cannot be resolved to a type
The method doStop() of type JettyLauncher.WebAppContextWithReload must 
override or implement a supertype method
WebAppContext cannot be resolved to a type
The method getClassLoader() is undefined for the type 
The method setClassLoader(null) is undefined for the type 
AbstractConnector cannot be resolved to a type
Log cannot be resolved
Server cannot be resolved to a type
Server cannot be resolved to a type
AbstractConnector cannot be resolved to a type
The method getConnector(TreeLogger) from the type JettyLauncher refers to 
the missing type AbstractConnector
WebAppContext cannot be resolved to a type
The method createWebAppContext(TreeLogger, File) from the type 
JettyLauncher refers to the missing type WebAppContext
RequestLogHandler cannot be resolved to a type
RequestLogHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Log cannot be resolved
Server cannot be resolved to a type
WebAppContext cannot be resolved to a type
WebAppContext cannot be resolved to a type
AbstractConnector cannot be resolved to a type
SslSocketConnector cannot be resolved to a type
SslSocketConnector cannot be resolved to a type
SelectChannelConnector cannot be resolved to a type

at com.google.gwt.junit.JUnitShell$ArgProcessor.<init>(JUnitShell.java:269)
at com.google.gwt.junit.JUnitShell.getUnitTestShell(JUnitShell.java:717)
at com.google.gwt.junit.JUnitShell.runTest(JUnitShell.java:705)
at com.google.gwt.junit.client.GWTTestCase.runTest(GWTTestCase.java:421)
at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(TestCase.java:134)
at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(TestResult.java:110)
at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(TestResult.java:128)
at junit.framework.TestResult.run(TestResult.java:113)
at junit.framework.TestCase.run(TestCase.java:124)
at com.google.gwt.junit.client.GWTTestCase.run(GWTTestCase.java:247)
at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(TestSuite.java:243)
at junit.framework.TestSuite.run(TestSuite.java:238)

Any hints how to solve this problem?
I checked the readme multiple times if I missed some setting, but I cannot 
find anything.

Thanks a lot.


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