Hi Colin,

Thanks for your reply. I'm now convinced you have a pretty stable vision of 
the rules of UiBinder, I wanted to let the community be able to have my 
modificatio that I find very valuable, that's why I was "spamming" yesterdy 
(sunday), before I leave this part of the project and get less reactive to 
submit the code.

- UiBinder is totally declarative - if it had the feature to wire in 
logical statements, we should equally have loop and conditional constructs. 

This depends on how far you can go when you say it's declarative: can it be 
declared partly in another file? because this is what I propose: that's why 
I don't want the user to have access to the object model but only to its 
identification (UiBinder class name, feidl name)

- Not everyone uses UiBinder, not everything can be done with UiBinder

Not everyone uses ClientBundle, people can write they css manually for 
example. This shouldn't be an argument to remove ClientBundle from GWT

- I don’t see a full proposal anywhere

So I started just asking to be able to override some methods (asked GWT to 
make them protected so we can override GWT classes, declare our own 
Generator and intercept calls on superclasses instead of copying all the 
access restricted classes : almost all the package)

- isAllowed and isVisible 

were proposed methods only for the draft and for pedagogic reasons to 
understand the purpose). In reality theres's only one method in the GWT 
UiBinder: UiBinderWidgetFactory.create()
  * <T extends Widget> T create(Class<T> widget, String uiBinder, String 

Notice I intentionally did that there's no access to the model instance so 
the information remains simple and clear (in a declarative roles file). 
This answers the first point and the one where you propose to have more 
dynamic information on what's elsewhere in the view. This is definitely 
unwanted. The purpose of this is only to build a complete UiBinder template 
with all possible combinations, and then filter what has to be shown for 
each profile.

Now, each developer will be able to provide his own UiBinderWidgetFactory 
and use UiBinder for the layout, and his own static declaration for the 
rules. Which are two distinct concepts that shoudn't be mixed together in 
annotations or templates. This is why I'm talking about AOP: this is a 
layer that souldn't be seen by the application.

Note: The meaning of @Provided doesn't interfere with this feature. these 
are two distinct things: if you decide to create you widget manually, don't 
expect us to jump infront to change whant you're doing. it's the expected 

Finally t's fair to me that if the user loggs out or changes his 
profile/roles, the application is reloaded. This doesn't happen 
sufficiently often in applications to justify special code treatments (it's 
0.01% of the code in an app :). 

@Thomas: thanks for your answer and sorry for the amount of mails you found 
this morning :)

     - "every @UiField will be non-null after the call to createAndBindUi" 
to "any @UiField might be null"

I answered to this question by telling you that we can impose the retunrned 
Widget from the factory is not null (for the first versions). But the 
specification that says it hasn't to be null is not written in the stone. 
We might after all consider that if the user wants it to be null and 
decides it to be that way (in his own code), so he will have null. This 
only gives control to the user, it doesn't surprise him by changing what 
was there in his existing code (the default WidgetFactory will continue to 
create fields blindly). Only if a user decides he will furnish his own 
Widgetfactory and that he wants a field to be null under certain 
circumstances, he will get what he asked for. 

     - It's not just that, it's deciding whether it'll be created or not.

This can be checked and forbidden in the generated code, even if I think 
it's intrusive to oblige the user to have non null fields where he wants 
them null.

Finally, a per user (or/ per profile or/ per timezone or/ any) Widget 
personalization at creation is possible with this approach: it's the 
responsibility of the developer to separate authorizations from css styling 
but it's not the GWT responsibility anymore anyway. So even though the GWT 
WidgetFactory has only one method create(), the implementations might have 
other methods like

getStyles(), isToBeCreated(), isVisible(), isEnabled()

@Thomas : the bug you linked me to is interesting since it proposes a 
factory too, except that the factory is per UiBinder (which might be a good 
thing for performance) . The odd point I saw in answers is that it is aware 
of what widgets are in the component : It looses its "declarative" abstract 
tooling concept that way. But the spirit is indeed the same

In my proposition I have two arguments: (uiBinderFileName, fieldName), 
where they propose to attach a factory per UiBinder so they have only one 
parameter (or have it hardcoded as proposed in the comment N°5). My opinion 
is that separating factories can be complex for developers to manage and 
will tempt them to solve too many things in the factory, which is not the 

Anyway I have the patch working, it's not just a feature proposal. If you 
want to take a look at it then tell me early as long as it's fresh in my 
mind. I'll attach what is behind the factory now (the declarative css and 
roles), so I might loose focus


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