
Our app produces permutations about 3.5mb in size when doing optimized 
production builds. It is roughly 150.000 fields across 12.000 types 
(according to the first SDM incremental compile output). I tried that app 
with several browsers (all Mac OS) to see how things work with SDM 
incremental compile:

- Opening the native dev tools of *Firefox 33* and switching to the 
debugger tab freezes Firefox for several (5+) minutes until it finally 
displays all source mapped java files. And thats for each page reload. 
Breakpoints work but since you can not see which source line is mapped you 
might need to guess a bit until you find a spot where the breakpoint 
actually works (or look it up on the code server). But because of the 
reload times debugging is literally unusable. Maybe it is possible to use 
FireFox remote debugging in IntelliJ. Haven't tried that yet.

- *Safari 7* also has quite some lag. The reason is that Safari Dev Tools 
store each XHR request done to fetch a source mapped file from code server. 
If you now want to search for a Java file in the browser the search lags 
quite a bit because it also filters all these 1000+ XHR requests. But thats 
a Safari issue one must accept for now. I also noticed that sometimes the 
CodeServer responds with 404 for all source mapped files that are generated 
by GWT generators, e.g.

GET /sourcemaps/app/3427F4D36ECEACFA71B338AB1AE1396C_sourcemap.json
   sent source map for module 'app' in 269 ms
   Sent error page: unknown source file: 

When I open up the CodeServer web site at <ip>:9876/sourcemaps/app/ I can 
see an entry for gen/com/google/gwt/cell/client/ . Once I enter it I can 
see the TextInputCell_TemplateImpl.java however if I want to open it in the 
browser the CodeServer can not find it and reports an error. Thats 
something I haven't noticed in Chrome so far.
Finally setting break points in the source mapped Java file does not seem 
to work at all in Safari 7. Breakpoints are accepted but never hit by the 
debugger. I tried several different code lines (all are marked as black 
lines on the code server sourcemap html output so they should have valid 

- In *IE 11* it also takes quite some time until source mapped java files 
appear in the dev tools (similar to FireFox). Once they appear, file 
filtering is pretty slow but I can live with that. However if I want to set 
a breakpoint in any of my files then the breakpoint is actually placed in a 
GWT file called ModuleUtils.java. No idea why but that also makes debugging 
impossible. Trying to open the pure JS file does not work either.

So in short, although incremental compilation is pretty cool all non Google 
Chrome browsers have issues with our app because 1.) the pure JS size 
produced by incremental compile is too large (Safari actually showed the 
total size of resources downloaded and it shows 75MB) and 2.) handling the 
source map does not work well and break points might be dead.
For IE we can still use classic DevMode but for FireFox, Safari and mobile 
browsers debugging doesn't work well for large apps.

-- J.

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