> I'm curious if anyone knows, what is 10KB, percentage wise, vs the size of 
> the average GWT project? I don't know if the one I work with is average or 
> unusual weighing in at 7.2MB. I'm wondering if my perspective is skewed.

I guess that question is irrelevant. You will always have small and large 
apps. For example at work we have a small app that only handles SSO logins 
(300kb or so) and larger apps (4+ MB). But as everything is gzip'ed by the 
web server anyways additional 10KB are pretty much negligible. 

GWT has a long history of compiling out stuff that you don't use, however 
with String.format() your have lots of formatting options available through 
a single API which makes it pretty difficult to compile out formatting code 
that is not needed because your app never uses it (e.g. maybe you never 
format a date, so lets prune all date formatting code)

I am kind of against emulating String.format() and Formatter itself because 
IMHO formatting is useless if you can not do it in a locale sensitive way. 
Since String.format() and Formatter uses java.util.Locale which GWT does 
not support it is useless to emulate both.

If GWT would fully support java.util.Locale I would vote for a full 
String.format() / Formatter emulation even if that means we pull in 10kb of 
formatting code (as long as it fully compiles out if String.format() / 
Formatter isn't used at all in an app). A developer should be aware that a 
single versatile formatting API will pull in quite some code.

-- J.

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