See examples on how ES6 classes work with React. Those examples should
apply to @JsTypes as well.

On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 2:12 PM, Colin Alworth <> wrote:

> Yikes, that's rather opinionated. I don't personally work with React, but
> I guess I'm surprised that it can't handle actual inheritance (or even
> defining a prototype and attaching it to a constructor).
> Based on what you have there and the details described at
>, I'd suspect
> that they actually want the equivalent of the class object itself, not an
> instance of it (the line between them is blury in JS already).
> > One thing that makes components different than standard prototypal
> classes is that you don't need to call new on them. They are convenience
> wrappers that construct backing instances (via new) for you.
> This seems to imply that you can't be guaranteed that your constructors
> will actually be called, but also reinforces the idea that they don't want
> you to pass in a class instance, just the methods that should be called on
> the eventually-created instances. More details from
> seem to say
> that you are actually expected to pass in just a bag of properties, one of
> which will be that `render` function, which can trust that a `this` will be
> specified to provide `props` and `state`.
> If there is a hook that lets you define your own constructor or factory
> method, that would be good to have to correctly do the GWT object wiring
> (perhaps some jsinterop expert can pipe up here as to what will be lost
> without that being called). Otherwise, some jsni or JsObject-building code
> that copies references to functions over to the a map-like object would be
> ideal. A JsProperty-annotated field may be enough to convince the compiler
> to generate correct code inside your function to access those properties,
> but I would be less sure about non-static helper methods still being around
> in the generated component.
> On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 3:35 PM Paul Stockley <>
> wrote:
>> We have started using React (using ES6 and FlowTypes) which is quite
>> nice. However, we have a large GWT application that we want to start
>> embedding React within. This makes perfect sense for migrating away from
>> Widgets to a more modern approach. So I decided I would try and define a
>> Java Api for React. After a couple of hours I got a really hacky prototype
>> basically working. The code looks like
>> private ClassicComponentClass<BaseProps> customComponent;
>> public void onModuleLoad() {
>>     customComponent = React.createClass(new CustomComponent());
>>     HTMLProps props = Props.newHTML();
>>     props.setDefaultValue("Test");
>>     DOMElement<HTMLProps> div =
>>             React.createElement("div", props,
>>                 React.createElement("div", null),
>>                 React.createElement(customComponent, null),
>>                 React.createElement("div", null, "An example")
>>             );
>>     ReactDOM.render(div, Document.get().getElementById("mainCont"));
>> }
>> @JsType(namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, name="CustomComponent")
>> public class CustomComponent {
>>     @JsMethod
>>     public ReactElement<?> render() {
>>         return React.createElement("div", null, "It works");
>>     }
>> }
>> This works fine for intrinsic React components. The problem is defining 
>> custom components. The React.createClass function needs to take a plain 
>> javascript object with certain methods defined (render, lifecyle methods 
>> etc). If I pass a Java object marked as JsType, this doesn't work because 
>> the render method needs to be defined on the top level object. The code puts 
>> it on a different prototype which doesn't work because React does the 
>> following:
>>   for (var name in spec) {
>>     if (!spec.hasOwnProperty(name)) {  --Isn't true for render
>>       continue;
>>     }
>> Is there some way to achieve what I want with JsInterop?  I tried extending 
>> another base class marked with isNative=true. However, this results in a 
>> runtime error when trying to construct an object of that type.
>> I am going to try a real hack with a JSNI method that constructs an object 
>> given the various
>> methods as parameters.
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