Got it - so GWT is consistent, but the jetty vers we use talks about a 
different one, and our ant process should ignore what jetty asks for in 
favor of our copy.

Filipe, here's the case, in a super-minimal pom, which will fail outright 
without any sources, just a dependency on gwt-dev and the enforcer to 
prevent any conflicts in dependencies:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="";




Build log including grabbing latest gwt:

Patch is done, will have it up soon after a bit more poking.

On Friday, April 29, 2016 at 4:38:15 AM UTC-5, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> On Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 11:47:48 PM UTC+2, Colin Alworth wrote:
>> I didn't know how hard and fast we could rely on ASM's backward compat 
>> being.
> This is true since ASM 4.0 (released in 2011): 
> Fortunately, they changed the groupId for ASM 4.0, so you can safely 
> "converge" to the latest version for org.ow2.asm dependencies, and you 
> should *ban* asm:asm dependencies (ASM 3 and earlier, having no backwards 
> compatibility contract, should have been repackaged –as was done in earlier 
> versions of GWT– rather than simply referenced –as many unfortunately did 
> in earlier versions, such as Hibernate, Jetty, etc.–)
>> Probably should also put this in tools so that we are consistent, and 
>> update the ant files so that we don't get slightly different classes in 
>> maven vs zip archive...
> We have 5.0.3 in tools, and Maven will "converge" to 5.0.3, so we're 
> consistent. Or am I missing something? (or didn't understand what you're 
> saying)

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