
I posted on gitter, and G+ with this issue, but it seems perhaps that this 
is the correct place to post.

I noticed a significant performance regression when compiling my heavy GWT 
application with 2.8.0-RC1. The slowdown was an order of magnitude slower 
on Chrome 10x, on Firefox 3x, and on IE 2x.

I've been developing this application for a number of years, and it 
involves client side parsing of text. It makes heavy use of generated code, 
and therefore it uses a lot of string functions.

I've managed to use the *Chrome debugger *to narrow the location of the 
regression down to the new 2.8.0 implementation of 
data[], int offset, int count)*".

*2.7.0 - Baseline implementation*

Here is a partial implementation of *java.lang.String.valueOf(char data[], 
int offset, int count) *in 2.7.0.

function *java_lang_String_valueOf___3CIILjava_lang_String_2*(x_0, offset, 
  var end;
  end = offset + count;
  java_lang_String__1_1checkBounds__IIIV(x_0.length, offset, end);
  return java_lang_String__1_1valueOf___3CIILjava_lang_String_2(x_0, 
offset, end);

*2.8.0 RC1 - New Implementation - with regression*

function *java_lang_String_valueOf___3CIILjava_lang_String_2*(x_0, offset, 
  var batchEnd, batchStart, end, s;
  end = offset + count;
end, x_0.length);
  s = '';
  for (batchStart = offset; batchStart < end;) {
    batchEnd = batchStart + $intern_13 < end?batchStart + $intern_13:end;
    s += 
    batchStart = batchEnd;
  return s;

*My Fix*

My fix is to simply return the 2.7.0 implementation whist making use of the 
method, and changing the order of the parameters versus the old 
'java_lang_String__1_1checkBounds__IIIV' method. I also create a supporting 
function that does not seem to be present in my 2.8.0 generated code:

function *java_lang_String_valueOf___3CIILjava_lang_String_2*(x_0, offset, 
  var end;
  end = offset + count;
end, x_0.length);
  return java_lang_String__1_1valueOf___3CIILjava_lang_String_2(x_0, 
offset, end);

// COPIED FROM 2.7.0
function *java_lang_String__1_1valueOf___3CIILjava_lang_String_2*(x_0, 
start_0, end){
  var s = '';
  for (var batchStart = start_0; batchStart < end;) {
    var batchEnd = Math.min(batchStart + 10000, end);
    s += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, x_0.slice(batchStart, batchEnd));
    batchStart = batchEnd;
  return s;


Upon manually updating the generated (prettified) GWT 2.8.0 compiler 
output, I record that not only does the regression disappear, but the 2.8.0 
shows a 30% speed boost over 2.7 (in Chrome). That's approx 13x faster than 
prior to the change. Obviously this speed boost is very specific to my own 
use-case (which is extremely string heavy)

I don't really know why the 2.7.0 implementation is so much faster than the 
2.8.0 implementation. There are a lot of secret optimizations that occur in 
JavaScript engines and mastering performance is nigh on impossible. All I 
can say is that I tested and observed a 10x performance regression on 
Chrome, 3x on Firefox, and 2x on IE with the new 2.8 code, although I 
realise that a test harness would really help to prove the regression. I 
wonder if someone can put one together?



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