As previously mentioned, I'm walking over a lot of old GWT and playing with 
some ideas around structure changes. Along the way, I've found some 
apparently dead classes, and some very rotten docs.

For example, at the root of each zip release including 2.8.0, we have 
about.html, which proudly states that GWT's copyright is as of 2009, the 
project is called Google Web Toolkit, and makes note of a few dependencies 
like jetty 6 and mozilla 1.7. The file about.txt is a plain text version of 
the same. COPYING and COPYING.html list the license for the project itself, 
and then go on to list licenses for projects distributed with GWT which 
again, is not at all up to date. Both html files link 
to (though at least one of 
them shows off a strict doctype). They've been edited apparently by hand a 
few times since 2009, but inconsistently. If we have legal reasons to keep 
these up to date, we should probably be somewhat more aggressive about 
this, or else remove the inaccurate portions or the files entirely.

The 'doc' subdirectory within the project also contains some treasures, and 
haven't been modified since 2009 or so either (and still reference Google 
prominently). At least these are entirely dead and no longer among us - as 
far as I can tell, they are not used in the final zip at all. It *appears* that 
these assumed that the doclet code (see build_tools/doctool/ I think?) 
would visit these files and update them, as there are html files with @link 
references in them, but to classes that were removed as "obsolete 
documentation" again in 2009.

Along similar lines, there is a directory "helpInfo" inside of doc which 
contains some very short but informative snippets of html, describing some 
features and their gotchas within GWT. These likely all either have a place 
at already, or are out of date and should be removed. These 
are _also_ shipped in the release zip, despite inaccuracies or extremely 
outdated details.

The doclet generating code _is_ apparently used, mostly for including 
example sources. It also includes a few things I can't entirely work out, 
and suspect aren't useful, but are still used. For example, there is a 
target in doc called "emul-ezt" which runs 
One of the flags is "-out ${}/emul-ezt/fragment.html", which I 
assume means that after this target finishes, there should be a file called 
fragment.html somewhere, but I have yet to find it even when running that 
target directly. There is also a DocTool class in the same package, which 
doesn't appear to be used at all. Removing these classes and the 
corresponding target also results in a fair bit less logspam of the variety 
"(use -source 8 or higher to enable default methods)" and "(use -source 7 
or higher to enable diamond operator)", since apparently this tool/target 
was never updated beyond Java 6 or so.

I'm less certain about this one: the root directory "jni" appears to 
contain wiring for the old "Hosted Mode" that predated our now-deprecated 
Dev Mode. It was apparently all deleted once, in 2009, but quickly restored 
when it was found that some of the native wiring was required for 
windows/IE to correctly perform update checks. The other platforms likely 
do not need this code any more though, right? And can someone confirm that 
update checks are disabled by default anyway? 
CompilerOptionsImpl.isUpdateCheckDisabled returns true unconditionally, 
and ArgHandlerDisableUpdateCheck at least appears to default to disabling 
the check, and further marks this flag as experimental, suggesting we can 
safely remove it?

Finally, a few dead classes in gwt-dev that have no references to them, and 
deleting them seems 
clean: ServletContextTreeLogger, WorkDirs, ArgHandlerLink, 
ArgHandlerLibraries, ArgHandlerOutDir, 
ArgHandlerOutputLibrary, CloseableJarHandlerFactory 
and CloseableJarHandler. None of these are referenced directly, nor by name 
in any String in the codebase - is there a reason to not outright remove 
them, since they are within the compiler itself?

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