On Tuesday, May 9, 2017 at 12:08:12 PM UTC+2, Marcin Okraszewski wrote:
> In short I would like JS arrays to be visible in GWT as a List and objects 
> parsed from JSON also as a Map. 
> Maybe I'll try one more time to explain what we have. We share model 
> between server and GWT in form of java interfaces. Those interfaces are 
> declared as return types of Jersey services, which serve instances of those 
> interfaces. GWT uses exactly the same interfaces and handles them with 
> AutoBeans. It works quite well, but there are two issues. First issue is 
> that occasionally we need to pass some part of the data to JS. More often 
> than not, it is a list or contains a list. As a result, we need to 
> repackage it, as GWT objects are not understood by JS. Now we plan to 
> leverage more JS, so we will have to deal with this problem more often. 
> Second issue is that AutoBeans turned out to be inefficient in larger 
> scale, as the generated code is roughly 50% of our written code.
> So, we came up with following idea: let’s keep shared interfaces, just 
> annotate them with @JsType(native=true). Then use regular browser’s JSON 
> parser and cast parsed object into model interface with @JsType. It works 
> like charm for simple objects, but not for collections - List is being 
> parsed as an JS array; Map is nothing else but just regular object. 
> Dropping support for java collections, would be very expensive, and would 
> require heavy refactoring, as the app is big (over 0.5 million Java lines 
> in GWT + affected server parts). I thought there could be a way to tell 
> JsInterop that specific field is backed by a plain array (or list) and an 
> object (for map).

How about using the 'reviver' argument of JSON.parse() to copy/wrap arrays 
into lists? (would be harder to detect those objets that you want into maps 
though; the "reviver" could probably be generated from your interfaces to 
match on the key name though – this is something I've been thinking about 
for a few days actually, I really need to put my thoughts together in a 
gist or a message to this list)

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