I have created various java.util.concurrent 
some java.lang 
super-sources. This makes easier to compile RxJava without modifying the 
original source. There are some super-sources that might be a bit polemic, 
this super-sources either throws unsupported exception always or it throws 
unsupported exception sometimes, for example, you can use CountDownLatch, 
but if you call a blocking method and it actually needs to block (count==0) 
it throws an exception instead of blocking. I make this because as JS does 
not support concurrency it actually works in the use cases that appear in 
RxJava, but, yep, it might behave a bit unexpected in some cases.

So this is the question. Might this super sources be merged on GWT? Is it 
better to create two separated code-reviews one for polemic ones and other 
for non-so-polemic? GWT code-reviews are pretty saturated and not easy to 
be approved so I prefer to ask first here and gets some guidelines. Please 
take a look at the super-sources because maybe you directly said that this 
is too polemic for GWT codebase. Thanks.

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