On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 6:02:03 PM UTC+1, Colin Alworth wrote:
> Thanks guys - I guess I'm confused as to why Daniel and Thomas have their 
> projects so far in their own repos, and not in github.com/gwtproject - I 
> was following that example. If you guys are ready to move them now and ship 
> them (0.9 or 1.0-beta-n, either works for me) to central, then I have no 
> objection.
> My main goal was to lower the barrier to entry - if we don't ship things 
> that aren't under gwtproject, and we don't even put *our own projects* on 
> gwtproject, I was concerned about how this might look to external 
> contributors, especially given how many small projects we're going to need 
> to have started and finished in the near future. 
> If you guys can move your projects and get them out on central,

I'd prefer if someone reviewed them before (particularly gwt-events; 
gwt-http, gwt-window and gwt-history have nothing controversial in there 
IIRC, except maybe for the fact I removed support for "old browsers" –they 
should theoretically work in IE10+, Firefox ESR, and evergreen browsers).
Also wrt the choice of groupId and artifactId.
If you'd prefer that I don't wait before I move them, that works for me; 
but I'd rather have a second pair of (critical) eyes look at the code 
before I push anything to Central (btw, we need to ask Sonatype OSSRH for 
the org.gwtproject groupId, and grant release rights to a few people; who 
does that?)

I'll change my yet-unpublished advice to be "start the project in your own 
> repo, and ask it be moved once it is ready" or perhaps "ask for a new repo 
> to be created in gwtproject, then push your sources there in a large pull 
> request"?

I'd rather go for the second advice then.

(fwiw, I tried to follow your yet-unpublished blog post for gwt-http, 
gwt-window and gwt-history, and have it show clearly and cleanly in the 
commit history; it took some time but at least they can serve as examples)

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