> It is possible to become a maintainer or what are the criterias to become 
> one?

The Steering Committee of GWT decides who becomes a maintainer for a 
specific component of GWT or a global maintainer. 

You can find a bit more information here: 

Basically you can nominate yourself to become a maintainer, but to get 
accepted you should probably already have contributed and reviewed patches, 
become more active by answering questions in gwt-user and join discussions 
in gwt-contrib so you generally proof you are familiar enough with GWT and 
can handle the responsibility.


> I like the project and it would be sad if the project will become inactive 
> due to fewer changes.

Fewer changes are actually good these days, because of the transition GWT 
is in. Currently contributors are choosing GWT modules and rewrite them to 
make them J2CL / GWT 3 compatible while maintaining compatibility to GWT 
2.x as much as possible. This work is done mostly on Github so you can't 
see it by looking at contributions in Gerrit. For example there is already 
a gwt-http project on Github which provides the HTTP GWT module and should 
be compatible to GWT 2.x and GWT 3 / 
J2CL: https://github.com/gwtproject/gwt-http

Because of this transition, adding new features to GWT 2.x is unlikely 
because it would further complicate such rewrites. Contributing bug fixes 
to GWT 2.x is fine of course. However GWT is relatively stable and urgent 
bug fixes are rare. So you might indeed get the impression GWT is inactive. 
However that is not really true.


> There are also Java9 depeding issue which will not be reviewed for example.

Yeah I agree, Java9 support, including new API emulations, should find its 
way into GWT sooner than later. GWT usually has to wait for a good Eclipse 
JDT release as GWT uses it to parse and compile GWT sources. There have 
been some updates recently, but I don't know if anyone at Google is 
actively working on updating the GWT compiler to support new Java 9 syntax 
(e.g. private methods in interfaces).

But if you have free time, you can always start working on API emulations 
even though you can not really test them using GWTTestCase. But you can 
still push them to Gerrit and mark them as "Work in progress" until GWT 
compiler and CI Server are ready for Java 9. But if you really want to work 
on API emulation then you MUST NOT look at source code of Oracle JDK or 
OpenJDK while implementing these APIs to make sure you are not coping them 
intentionally. Otherwise we can not accept such contributions.

-- J.

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