Since the existing code is very similar to J2CL's code, it seems like a 
reasonable change, provided it is indeed safe to drop support for IE8. At a 
glance, I'm having trouble finding a recent statement describing whether or 
not IE8 (and 9, 10) ought to be supported - since GWT is often used for 
large long-lived applications, it can sometimes make sense to provide 
support for browsers that might be officially unsupported, but still either 
have a wide install base or where some other "extended support" is still 

For example, from,
it appears that while IE8 and IE10 are no longer supported, IE9 is still 
supported in some supported operating systems as the most recent browser. 
However, there is still the note "To continue receiving IE 8 updates after 
January 12, 2016, please contact your Microsoft Account Team.", suggesting 
it is still possible to get IE8 support.

This is contradicted somewhat by,
which says that the two OS versions (Win Server 2008 IA64 and SP2) which 
support IE9 are no longer supported, suggesting that aside from some 
specialized support contract, IE8, IE9, and IE10 should be considered dead.

On Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 1:08:48 PM UTC-5, stockiNail wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was facing an annoying issue about the hashcode *$N* property, stored 
> inside the java script object.
> I'm using GWT 2.8.2 but no JSNI implementation, only JSInterop objects.
> I'm writing an object (JsType native) in order to configure a chart for 
> Chart.js. 
> @JsType(isNative = true, name = "Object", namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL)
> Every property is the ID of another object.
> But unfortunately I got an error from Chart.js because it is scanning all 
> properties keys to get the objects but it does not recognize the value of 
> *$H*, being a number and not a object.
> scales: { 
>   $H: 135, 
>   x: {id: "x", _charbaId: 2, type: "category", axis: "x", display: true, …}, 
>   y: {id: "y", _charbaId: 3, type: "linear", axis: "y", display: true, …} 
> }
> It's clear that a hashcode must be stored therefore there is no way to remove 
> it.
> Searching for a solution, I have found the *javaemul.internal.ObjectHashing* 
> class which is managing the H$ property, I guess:
>  public static native int getHashCode(Object o) /*-{
>     return o.$H || (o.$H = @ObjectHashing::getNextHashId()());
>  }-*/;
> I think the definition of H$ property must be changed, in order to define the 
> property "not enumerable" (currently is writable, enumerable and 
> configurable) using *Object.defineProperty()*, as it is reported 
> The *Object.defineProperty()* method is not supported into Internet Explorer 
> 8 therefore if going to manage the hascode in this way, GWT will drop the 
> support on IE8 as well.
> In the J2CL implementation, it looks like already aligned with my proposal:
> /** 
>   * Utility functions for setting and retrieving system level hashcodes. 
>   */
> class Hashing { 
>    /** 
>      * Gets a hash code on the passed-in object. 
>      * 
>      * @param {*} obj 
>      * @return {number} 
>      * @public 
>      */ 
>      static $getHashCode(obj) { 
>         let o = /** @type {Object} */ (obj); 
>         return o.$systemHashCode || (Object.defineProperties(o, { 
> $systemHashCode: {value: Hashing.$getNextHashId(), enumerable: false} }), 
> o.$systemHashCode); 
>      }
> Anyway, as workaround, I'm rewriting the hashcode property for this object, 
> maintaining the same value but setting the property as not enumerale and it 
> seems working.

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