On Friday, June 12, 2020 at 11:05:34 PM UTC+2, Colin Alworth wrote:
> So, given either "make a git repo on gwtproject/ and add a jar to 
> gwtproject/tools" with the minimal history, or a single commit adding all 
> already-modified classes to gwt in one go? I should be able to turn out 
> either change fairly quickly, once we decide.
> Adding to GWT directly would be somewhat lower friction (no need to ship a 
> jar to central, easier to further tweak if something is screwy), but as I 
> said, loses that tiny bit of history/context. Like you said, a forked jar 
> is not at all new for the project to have, and is a nice way to say "this 
> is external, even if we tweaked it a bit". For the zip distribution I 
> imagine we'd shade it in to the overall zip, but for the m2 release it 
> would probably be an external jar (since it will hopefully never change).

If you're worried about the size of the JAR, let's kill legacy DevMode 
instead ;-)
(Google possibly even has the patch ready, as IIRC they already removed it 
in their internal repository)
Let's keep it simple and just ship it inside the gwt-dev JAR; our other 
repackaged dependencies are in there already (protocol buffer, 
streamhtmlparser, GSS, Guava, jscomp –for sourcemaps–, etc.)

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