Hi ,
I am trying to integrate GWT with my exsisting application. What ever
I learnt about GWT so far implies that GWT allows user to develop the
different components (e.g. table,tree etc)  and these components can
be reused as and when required.
We are currently planning to develop a framework which will make the
use of GWT capabilities and allows the application developer to draw a
table there by using GWT's table component. Can anyone please tell me
the way to make this framework which will make the job of application
developer too much easy.
Currently we are using tag . (e.g. jca:renderTable) to which if we
pass apprpriate values (e.g. datamodel, location etc) the table will
get render. Is it possible to provide such a kind of easy ness to
application developer to draw a table (or any other widger) using
The basic example of GWT ties one jsp or HTML with the perticular java
file (Which implements EntryPoint interface) . I am basically trying
to avoid this and trying to get something which allows application
developer to put the widgets/components to put inside the jsp as and
when required without writting a class which implents EntryPoint.

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