On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 4:20 AM, Vítor Castro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ok, System.out.println("Final"); its a example i used in forum.
> in reality, the function createNodesProducts(vectorOfProducts),
> execute many operations, but this operations, they are made after of
> System in this example.
> I have to force to implement only the latest instruction after the
> success of connection,ie:
> 1 - createNodesProducts(vectorOfProducts)
> 2 - all instructions in this procedure
> 3 - the instructions after conection (System.out.println in this
> example),
> understand me?

Yeah, I think I understand you, but I think you're not understanding
me.  You have approximately two choices:

- put the stuff in step 3 in onSuccess
- put the stuff in step 3 in a method and invoke that method in onSuccess

I say "approximately" because you could get fancy with callback
objects (ie. the Observer pattern) and invoke a callback instead of
tightly coupling yourself to "step 3", but that's just a generic
version of what I've just described.

I think you're trying desperately to do something in a synchronous
fashion.  You need to read this:

GWT doesn't provide a way to do synchronous connections.


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