Use onLoad, but also start a timer, and check after 10 seconds. If the
image has dimensions that aren't 0x0, remove the onload trigger, and
do the resize.

On Sep 2, 4:00 pm, darkflame <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dosnt really help me.
> I cant even show them at the correct size without knowing what size
> they are originaly. (nor can I easily center them).
> I only wish to have a maximum limit in place as well in the case the
> supplied image is too large.
> The fact IE has a horrible resize is just another point to add to its
> many faults rather then relivent to my code at the moment.
> I dont want to burden my limited server with having to send
> individualy made images and size specs to absolutely each client using
> the app. (if its possible at all, I dont want this app to need any
> specific sever requirements, it will have php as an option for some
> added security, but I am also making it happly work offline. So  no
> sever-side requirements are part of my spec ).
> On Sep 2, 3:50 pm, ReinierZwitserloot<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You can't resize images in the browser. They'll look really -really-
> > bad (nearest point resizing in at least IE6).
> > Resize them on the server. When requesting them, send the size of the
> > current window along.
> > On Sep 2, 1:59 pm, darkflame <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > What I'm trying to do;
> > > Display an image, which is either its original width, or 80% of the
> > > browsers width. Whichever is smallest.
> > > Height is scaled preportionaly so the correct ratio is maintained.
> > > Now, I know I cant get the image size untill its loaded, so I added an
> > > onLoad listener.
> > > But I then ran up against this 
> > > issue;
> > > I cant rely on onLoad to work in IE.
> > > So whats the easiest way to achieve what I need?
> > > Cheers :)
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