the only way i know of to accomplish this is to use a heartbeat.
every 5s or so, fetch all important notifications from the server.
process them in the client, possibly making more calls to do so.

i cant imagine that there exists a secure way to trigger events
directly from afar.

On Sep 3, 4:05 pm, eggsy84 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm just writing to see (may have already been discussed) if anyone
> has used GWT Client/Server communication in a way that the server
> notifies the client?
> At times when developing applications I have found myself thinking it
> would be much easier if the server could simply notify the client(s)
> of a state change?
> Typically GWT works by Async calling the server which is completely
> fine but I was wondering if this can be flipped such as new services
> like MobileMe profess to do - pushing contact to a client!
> Just wondering if anyone has done this?! How did they apporach it?
> Eggsy
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