
I am creating an application which loads a Google Calendar feed via
JSNI, and have some unexpected behavior when a feed loading method is
triggered by an Anchor element (I am using GWT 1.5). In the following
code, the feed loads successfully:

In onModuleLoad():
HTML load = new HTML("Load feed");
load.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {public void onClick(Widget
s) {loadFeed("url");}});
public native void loadFeed(String url) /*-{
var service = new $wnd.google.gdata.calendar.CalendarService('Test');
service.getEventsFeed(url, function handle(f) {alert("Loaded");},
function err(e) {alert("Error: " + e.message);});

However, if I replace "HTML" with "Anchor", or with "new HTML("<a href=
\"javascript:\">Load feed</a>");", then, in the developer browser, the
feed fails to load ("Request via script load timed out. Possible
causes: feed URL is incorrect; feed requires authentication"). The
same happens in the compiled code executed in IE6, but the feed is
loaded successfully in Firefox 3 and Chrome.

My guess is that some history is involved. However I get the same
behavior regardless of whether history is enabled or not in my

Please let me know if I have missed a point, or if this is indeed an
error, in which case I'll submit a bug report.

Best regards,


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