Thanks a lot Mr.Rakesh. I'll try to implement it that way.

On Sep 7, 11:46 pm, rakesh wagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quite a few stratagies:
> 1. Use a deck panel, add your table and loading icon to this deck
> panel. Initially show the deck panel. Once the last table rendering
> statement is executed, flip the deck to show your table widget now.
> 2. Have a loading image in a convenient place(bottom, middle or top of
> the flextable). While the system is computing, let the image be
> visible, once the last stmt is executed,
> loadingImg.setVisible(false).
> Here is a tip: Fetching data through RPC is a async operation while
> rendering your table, that is DOM manipulation through js is a single
> thread blocking operation. In the later scenario(at least in IE) your
> animated loading gif will freeze and so will the browser if you are
> adding lot of rows and widgets to the flextable. Try to design your
> tables as sleek as possible. For more information see the tables in
> gwt incubator.
> Hope that helps.
> Rakesh Wagh
> On Sep 7, 9:05 am, Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Good Day To All,
> > How can I create a busy/loading icon while my flextable is being
> > rendered? By the way, my flextable is consist of comboboxes that
> > contain a large amount of data so while the page is being rendered,
> > there is a slight delay of displaying the contents of the flextable.
> > Thanks,
> > Karl Chan
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