Not sure I understand your question.  Yes, viisibility of the Session
in your service handling code is awkward, but you have figured out
what to do, as demonstrated by your code.

I have to say that this is yet another example of jumping through all
sorts of hoops trying to do custom authentication when you could much
more easily use HTTP Basic or Digest and get on with writing your
application.  If you would like help with HTTP Basic or Digest, give a


On Sep 17, 8:07 am, Schimki86 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is a login-page on startup at my GWT-Application. The user
> enters his login name and password and clicks a button to sign in. In
> my server- implementation there is a method which should sign the user
> in (and gets back a result- state):
> ...
> public int loginUser(String user, String password) {
>         int result = -2;
>         // check's whether user name equals a valid email
>         if (Validator.validateEmail(user)) {
>                 DB_User db = new DB_User();
>                 // get request to create a session, when login for creating 
> the
> session later
>                 // HttpServletRequest request = this.getThreadLocalRequest();
>                 // login the user
>                 result = db.loginUser(user.toLowerCase(), password, request);
>         }
>         return result;}
> ...
> In the loginUser- method of "db" I create the session:
> ...
> HttpSession session = request.getSession();
> ...
> I don't know how I have to handle the session. There must be a "state"
> in the server- implementation which is compareable withe the current
> session, because only there I can access the session with
> "this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession();", or!? How do I check
> whether the session is valid?
> Hope you can help and thx in advance!
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