Thanks for your responses... I kind of get the thing working. Here is
my logic:

On the server-side, I periodically query the database for new records
and append them to my Object[][] data. Whenever the client click
"Refresh" button for example, the server-side will send the data[][]
back in JSON format. There is a problem with this approach, however,
as the Object[][] data array will grow very large over time and
consequently, the JSON data as well. That brings up another set of
questions :-)

1. On the server-side I would like to store only new records in data[]
[],  and let the client keep track of past records. Server will only
send new data since the last client refresh. How do I append new data
into BufferedStore and/or JSONReader and refresh the livegrid?

2. Instead of waiting for the user to click "Refresh" button, I would
like to auto refresh the grid periodically -- How can I achieve that?
What functions does the "Refresh" button invoke?

Appreciate your inputs.


On Sep 16, 2:54 am, "vruddhi shah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Khoa,
> See this can be help to
> Vruddhi
> On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 10:53 PM, Khoa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am using Livegrid to display records from a database -- As new
> > records are inserted into a database (by another program), I would
> > like to periodically update my grid by appending newly added records.
> > I can query the whole table again but that's not very efficient. Is
> > there a way to update the livegrid with those new records?
> > I've looked at the Livegrid sample code, but it uses a static Object[]
> > [] data as a source.
> > Thanks,
> > Khoa
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