I am working on a new class and I want to expose instance fields and
methods via a prototype via JSNI so I can call from third party script
into my GWT code like this.

var mySimpleObject = new Simple("test");

I have been working through a series of examples that build on each
other but I am not sure that my assumptions about why the ones that
work really work and why the ones that fail really fail.

Here they are -- JSNI experts please comment!


package com.test.client;

public class Simple {

        public String name;

        public Simple(String name) {

                this.name = name;

        public static Simple createSimple(String name) {
                return new Simple(name);


        // this works becuase you are passing in the Simple reference
        public native void callMyNameWorks(Simple myInstance)

         $wnd.callMyName = function(){
alert( [EMAIL PROTECTED]::name);

         alert( [EMAIL PROTECTED]::name);



        // this works because we COPY the reference and store it in a
        public native void callMyNameWorks()

         var myInstance = this;

         $wnd.callMyName = function(){

alert( [EMAIL PROTECTED]::name);

         //"this" in GWT entrypoint is the Simple object that called this
         alert( [EMAIL PROTECTED]::name);



        // this broken because "this" is not the right object when our new
        // gets called.
        public native void callMyNameHalfBroken()

         $wnd.callMyName = function(){

         //this will break because at "this" is actually the window object
now (or who called the method)
         alert( [EMAIL PROTECTED]::name);

         //"this" works b/c GWT entrypoint is the Simple object that called
this method.
         alert( [EMAIL PROTECTED]::name);



        public static native void callMyNameStaticGlobalWorks()

         //NOTE: this RETURNS the GWT Simple Object not a js object
         $wnd.jsSimple = function (name){

         //myObject must be an instance of the GWT Simple Object
         $wnd.callMyNameGlobal = function(myGwtJavaObject){
alert([EMAIL PROTECTED]::name);

         var myJsSimple = new $wnd.jsSimple("testing");

         //works bc we pass in the actual GWT Java Simple object


        public static native void callMyNameStaticGlobalBroken()


         //NOTE: effectively assigns the value of var name = javascript
instance of gwt java object
         //if you look at the object in debug you will see name.instance is
now defined.
         //name.instance is a reference to the gwt object
         $wnd.jsSimple = function (name){
         this.instance =

         //myObject must be an instance of the GWT Simple Object
         $wnd.callMyNameGlobal = function(myobject){

         alert([EMAIL PROTECTED]::name);


         //debug shows that there is now a name.instance defined;
         var myJsSimple = new $wnd.jsSimple("testing");


        public static native void callMyNameStaticLocalBroken()


         //NOTE: effectively assigns the value of var name = javascript
instance of gwt java object
         //if you look at the object in debug you will see name.instance is
now defined.
         //name.instance is a reference to the gwt object
         $wnd.jsSimple = function (name){
         this.instance =

         //store a copy of the prototype reference to use later
         var _= $wnd.jsSimple.prototype;
         _.callMyNameLocal = function(){

         //who is this when its called? it won't be a GWT Java Simple
         //it is actually the javascript object -- So the myInstance[blah
blah] will be undefined
         var myInstance = this;
alert([EMAIL PROTECTED]::name);

         var myJsSimple = new $wnd.jsSimple("testing");


        public static native void callMyNameStaticLocalWorks1()


         //NOTE: effectively assigns the value of var name = javascript
instance of gwt java object
         //if you look at the js object in debug you will see name.instance
is now defined.
         //name.instance is a reference to the gwt object
         $wnd.jsSimple = function (name){
         this.instance =

         //store a copy of the prototype reference to use later
         var _= $wnd.jsSimple.prototype;
         _.callMyNameLocal = function(){

         //is say "this" then will be broken because when method is called
the this is the js object
         //this.instance = the java object
alert([EMAIL PROTECTED]::name);

         var myJsSimple = new $wnd.jsSimple("testing");


        public static native void callMyNameStaticLocalWorks2()


         //NOTE: effectively assigns the value of var name = javascript
instance of gwt java object
         //if you look at the object in debug you will see name.instance is
now defined.
         //name.instance is a reference to the gwt object
         $wnd.jsSimple = function (name){
         this.instance =

         //store a copy of the prototype reference to use later
         var _= $wnd.jsSimple.prototype;
         _.callMyNameLocal = function(){

         //make a copy of the reference the gwt java object so we can use it
later when this method
         //is actually called since this.instance has the right obj ref when
the object is created?
         var myInstance = this.instance;
alert([EMAIL PROTECTED]::name);

         var myJsSimple = new $wnd.jsSimple("testing");



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