To be honest, GWT is not that great at the "team" designer vs
developer separation at the moment.  There are ways to mitigate that
(tools like Instantiations designer), and approaches that help (clear
rules for css names for widgets/elements and then a designer who can
really just work with the CSS to tweak things - but still the
developer has to have some idea of how this works too), but it's not
as clean as more traditional web app work, in my experience.

Declarative UI though is on the way, and that will really help in this

And, don't get me wrong here, even though I think this is not a strong
suit of GWT at the moment, I think all of the other advantages are
huge and I would still advocate using it - and have used it myself on
a few medium/large projects, and a bunch of small ones (advantages
like working with Java and having an IDE, static types and static
analysis tools, unit tests, a single code base that works for all the
major browsers . . . most of the time, and more).

On Sep 16, 8:33 pm, philserve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to choose an appropriate framework for a mid-large scale
> web app. I've built apps using JS and javascript libraries, such as
> Dojo and Prototype, but am looking for a more comprehensive approach.
> I like what I see in GWT, but for the most part I don't want to do
> large scale UI generation in GWT - the real world approach has been:
>      - graphic designer lays out HTML pages w/ css
>      - development takes pages, tweaks IDs and develops code to access
> those elements (via IDs) for data injection.
> With an existing J2EE architecture from which to retrieve data, GWT-
> RPC is an obvious choice. But I don't want to get into heavy
> developing of UI Layouts - I prefer to access object via
> RootPanel.get("MYID") then add components into a page already nicely
> laid out by my designer.
> The main pages are spreadsheet like tables, so my thought is to use
> GWT-EXT to generate and populate these tables with data. But these
> initially empty tables exist within an existing HTML page layout given
> to me. IOW, the pages are generally "semi-static" but component
> contents are dynamically loaded.
> Bottom line I don't want to get back into Swing-like coding and layout
> tweaking, but rather focus on M and C of the MVC paradigm.
> Do you think GWT is a good solution for this basic paradigm of web
> page development?
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