Hi, all ...

I have a GWT service that is trying to return a class
GetDeviceListResult. This class contains an inner class Device.

When the client tries to call the service, the GWT serializer is
invoked, and it fails to serialize the GetDeviceListResult class,
saying that the inner class cannot be serialized. (In the example
below, it's because of the presence of the xxx member.)

Are inner classes not serializable?? ... or am I just doing this

My call is an Async call, if that matters.



The service has this declaration:
        public GetDeviceListResult getDeviceList();

The offending GetDeviceListResult class (containing the Device inner
class) is:

package org.paceproject.palms.browserproxy.client.messages;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.IsSerializable;
public class GetDeviceListResult implements IsSerializable {
        private class Device implements IsSerializable {
                public Device() {       }
        public Device xxx;
        public GetDeviceListResult() {}

The service itself is:

package org.paceproject.palms.browserproxy.server;
mport org.paceproject.palms.browserproxy.client.DeviceService;
import com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet;
public class DeviceServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
                DeviceService {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        public GetDeviceListResult getDeviceList() {
                return new GetDeviceListResult();

This is the log:
[DEBUG] Rebinding
[DEBUG] Invoking <generate-with
[DEBUG] Generating client proxy for remote service interface
[DEBUG] Analyzing
'org.paceproject.palms.browserproxy.client.DeviceService' for
serializable types
[DEBUG] Analyzing methods:
[DEBUG] public abstract
getDeviceList(java.lang.String studyID)
[DEBUG] Return type:
[DEBUG] Analyzing the fields of type
that qualify for serialization
[DEBUG] public
[ERROR] Type
was not serializable and has no concrete serializable subtypes
[ERROR] Type
was not serializable and has no concrete serializable subtypes
[ERROR] Deferred binding failed for
'org.paceproject.palms.browserproxy.client.DeviceService'; expect
subsequent failures

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