I don't understand.  You set your map widget to a fixed 200 x 200 pixel
size. What do you expect checkResize() to do?
Maybe you need to set the size using relative values ("100%","100%")?

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 5:46 AM, neversaydie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
>  I have one question regarding  google maps display using MapWidget
> class.
>  When mapwidget instance in populated with simple Layout like one in
> the faqs, everything seems to working fine.
>  But when the same instance is set on a following layout say
> VerticalSplitPanel mainPanel  = new VerticalSplitPanel();
> HorizontalSplitPanel horizontalSplitPanel = new
> HorizontalSplitPanel();
> horizontalSplitPanel .setLeftWidget(//some other panel);
> horizontalSplitPanel .setSplitPosition("50%");
> horizontalSplitPanel .setRightWidget(getNewMapWigetInstance())
> mainPanel.setTopWidget(horizontalSplitPanel );
> mainPanel.setBottomWidget(//some other horizontal panel);
> mainPanel
> private Mapwidget getNewMapWidget()
> {
> VerticalPanel verticalPanel = new VerticalPanel();
> AbsolutePanel absolutePanel = new AbsolutePanel();
> MapWidget mapWiddget = new MapWidget("200px", "200px");
> absolutePanel .add(mapWiddget);
> mapWiddget .checkResize();
> verticalPanel .add(absolutePanel );
> return verticalPanel ;
> }
> The problem is the mapwiget remains with size 200px 200px, it will
> never fill up the entire panel which it is supposed.
> The panel layout depicted above is  something that is required for
> type of look and feel i have.
> Can anybody helpme why the mapwidget is not able to resize to the
> width and height of its outer panel?
> Thank you
> >

Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA

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