
Wouldn't that web service be returning you a huge steaming pile of
SOAP XML?  I think that would be a nightmare to try to deal with in a
GWT client.  Why don't you build a server side proxy for talking web
services, and build a normal GWT interface on the other side to your
GWT client (like RequestBuilder/JSON or GWT RPC)?


On Sep 23, 3:50 am, cloclo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everybody, I'd love to be able to call a PHP web service from gwt
> toollibrary.
> Ususally it's rather easy to call from java a PHP web webservice.
> ...import org.apache.axis.client.*;
> Service service = new Service();
> Call call = (Call) service.createCall(); ... etc
> But the gwt compiler does't accept that: the error message is:
> -----------------------------start message------
> library-inclusion-in-archive:
> library-inclusion-in-manifest:
> Removing units with errors
>    [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/
> claude_antidot/My%20Documents/java_project/WebApplication1/src/java/
> org/yournamehere/client/'
>       [ERROR] Line 59: No source code is available for type
> org.apache.axis.client.Service; did you forget to inherit a required
> module?
> Computing all possible rebind results for
> 'org.yournamehere.client.MainEntryPoint'
>    Rebinding org.yournamehere.client.MainEntryPoint
>       Checking rule <generate-with
> class=''/>
>          [ERROR] Unable to find type
> 'org.yournamehere.client.MainEntryPoint'
>             [ERROR] Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made this
> type unavailable
>             [ERROR] Hint: Check the inheritance chain from your
> module; it may not be inheriting a required module or a module may not
> be adding its source path entries properly
> [ERROR] Build failed
> ------------------------------stop message-----
> Does anybody knows what the gwt is expexcted for or does anybody be
> able to show me a link to sample code doing that?
>    -> a call from java gwt's generated code to a php web service.
> Thank you for any help or suggestion.
> Claude
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