I'm using your software and I would add a simple zoom tool with mouse
I need to know the exact position of axis origin (left bottom) to
transform x,y mouse in chart's coordinates

here my code
I tried to calculate the origin
        public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
                double x;
                double y;
                double mouseX=event.getClientX()-getAbsoluteLeft();
                Axis xAxis = getXAxis();
                Axis yAxis = getYAxis();
                double dx=xAxis.getAxisLabelThickness() +
xAxis.getTickLabelThickness() + xAxis.getTickLength();
                double dy=yAxis.getAxisLabelThickness() +
yAxis.getTickLabelThickness() + yAxis.getTickLength();
                // transform in chart coordinates
I'm on the right way or there is a simpler method?
ps Excuse me for my english

On 22 Set, 23:12, John Gunther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Client-sideGChartis an open source GWT library that supports bar,
> line, and pie charts, and yet adds nothing but its ~2,000 lines of
> Java to your application's list of dependencies:
> http://gchart.googlecode.com
> This 2.2 release adds:
> * A new LINE symbol type for faster/better solidly connected line
> charts
> * A new layout algorithm that centers title, footnotes, axis labels
> and legend within explicitly-sizable bands around the plot area. In
> particular, since these bands have default thicknesses of 0px when
> empty, Sparkline charts are now straightforward.
> For full details, including links to example charts illustrating the
> new features, see theGChart2.2 release notes:
> http://gchart.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/com/googlecode/gchart/clie...
> Related posts/acknowledgments:
> 1) This post by Niall Haslam motivated the much-needed switch to a new
> chart decoration layout algorithm:
> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit/msg/5be9867eb81c9ca4
> 2) I used the technique explained in this post by Ian Bambury
> (http://examples.roughian.com) to workaround a perplexing IE7-only
> screen-not-repainting problem that the revisions of this release
> inadvertently exposed:
> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit/msg/31b2d8e0eace6f3c
> 3) The improved line chart capabilities were motivated by the far-too-
> slowly-updating solidly connected line chart code that Malcolm Gorman
> sent me. A new live demo chart, deliberately (HTML-element) sized
> similarly to Malcolm's chart, illustrates various ways (smaller
> charts, lower resolution connecting lines) you can use the new LINE
> symbol type to workaround the significant performance limitations that
> still remain for this kind of "non-rectangle-friendly" chart.
> Your ideas for improving Client-sideGChartand help in solving its
> implementation problems were essential to this 2.2 release. Thank-you.
> John C. Guntherhttp://gchart.googlecode.com

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