Hey Sumit-

Thanks for the response.  Google Maps requires that you are connected
to the internet in order to both download the image tiles as well as
the javascript code.  The environment I will be in won't be connected
to the internet, so I won't be able to download either of these.

I already have the image tiles I'm interested in, so I'm just looking
for a GWT solution that can take these tiles and manipulate them like
Google Maps does.  Again, it can't be the GWT Google Maps widget
because that just wraps the Google Maps javascript.  I'd need a
solution that has essentially rewritten Google Maps but has done it in

There are a few pure javascript solutions out there that does this
(OpenLayers is one), but I need it to be in GWT.

I've started this project and I'm pretty far along so if I get it to a
usable state I'll share what I have.

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 2:52 AM, Sumit Chandel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi rjcarr,
> When you say you're planning to use Google Maps in an offline mode (or
> away from the cloud), could you elaborate a little on what you mean
> exactly or how you're planning to use the Maps API? I'm not a policy
> expert, but I think that what you're trying to do is use the Maps
> tiling, but not through the actual Maps API, which would probably
> constitute a breach of the Maps tile data usage policy.
> You can check out the FAQ about this at the link below. It's possible
> I've misinterpreted what you're planning to do with the Maps tiles
> data, in which case just let me know and we could be on our way to a
> solution for your application.
> http://code.google.com/apis/maps/faq.html#tos_tiles
> Hope that helps,
> -Sumit Chandel
> On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 6:21 AM, rjcarr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm wondering if anyone has developed a GWT Widget for viewing a set
>> of GIS tiles very similar to Google Maps.  I don't need all the
>> functionality that Google Maps offers, but I'd need things like geo
>> registration, multiple zoom levels, overlays, markers, etc ...
>> I know there is a Google Maps Widget for GWT but unfortunately I can't
>> use Google Maps directly as my application will run offline (or, at
>> least, away from the cloud).
>> In looking through the forums I've seen a reference to a "sachamaps"
>> but I get no other hits on it.  So, before I go and spend a couple
>> weeks on this, I'd like to see if it has already been done, as I'm not
>> sure of the best algorithm to use for the tiling.
>> >
> >

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