Hi Sunny,

I can't say for sure what's going wrong in step 3), but to help figure
it out I wanted to suggest a couple of things to narrow it down.

Before that, a quick note about the size of the data you're sending
over - it doesn't seem like the size of the objects you're sending
back would be sufficient to stall the response, but could you try with
a smaller data set just to see how the RPC call responds? That would
clue us in as to whether the data you're sending is causing the
problem. If you could also track the size of the payload being sent
over the wire, that would also be helpful.

Now more troubleshooting suggestions:

1) Could you try debugging through your server-side code, up until the
point it returns the response back up to the hosted mode browser? As
you mentioned the method itself runs and returns fast enough, but I
would to make sure there isn't some RemoteServiceServlet boiler-plate
code where the response is getting trapped and taking longer. Since
your application seems to work fine in web mode, this is probably
unlikely but worth checking out.

2) Could you try running hosted mode with the -noserver option, using
your production server instead of the embedded Tomcat instance? This
would help isolate the problem to either the embedded Tomcat instance
or the hosted mode code dispatching and running the asynchronous

Hope that helps,
-Sumit Chandel

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 7:07 AM, sunny_zhou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Sumit,
> Thanks for your reply!
> I'm a beginner at GWT, so try to be patient with me, i will try my
> best.
>> Could you be a bit more specific about how much stuff is crammed into
>> the POJO that is being sent through RPC? It's certainly not hosted
>> mode's normal behaviour to take ten seconds to send an object through
>> RPC, unless this is a really heavy duty object.
> the POJO is a list of 16 objects, the list size is 30~50. One of the
> objects is a list of 3~5 objects, the list size is about 10. BTW, i am
> using GWT 1.5.
>> Also, is this happening in -noserver mode or using hosted mode's
>> embedded Tomcat instance? With some more info, we should be able to
>> get to the bottom of this.
> this is happening in hosted mode's embedded Tomcat instance.
> the observed behavior is:
> 1. RPC call is made
> 2. server side method runs and returns (quickly!)
> 3. ... huge delay with no CPU activity ...
> 4. finally client side onSuccess() RPC callback runs
> What could be happening on step 3 ?
> Best wishes!
> -sunny zhou
> >

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