Rishi schrieb:

> Now in my GWT project I wish to call some methods of classes in my
> Java Project .And every time I try to use any of the Java Project's
> methods I get error something like :
> [ERROR] Line 30: No source code is available for type
> com.project.campaign.Campaign; did you forget to inherit a required
> module?
> I know that the error message asks me to provide the source code of
> the Campaign class which I am trying to use in my GWT project. Can any
> one tell how can i get rid of this error.

You have to add the source-folder of the java-classes to the
classpath of the GWT-project.

In addition to this the java-classes must be in a package that
is defined as source-folder in the gwt.xml-file of your

Regards, Lothar

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