Hi Srini,

Here you have a simple sample 

Login Sample


On 25 sep, 16:42, Srini Marreddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Luciano,
>         It is good to know that we have a Framework for GWT. I am not
> familiar with Pure MVC framework,but I would like to play with it. A
> simple hello world example on how to use the framework will be very
> helpful for those interested in trying this framework.
> Best Regards,
> Srini
> On Sep 17, 5:34 am, Luciano Broussal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > I've created a tiny but powerful gwt project
> > The Goal is to provide a MVC framework based on the simple, well
> > designed and powerful PureMVC framework.
> > This offer an opportunity to have the same design patterns what ever
> > you code in Java, .Net, Pythom, PHP ...
> > Find all necessary documention on PureMVC on the offcial 
> > sitehttp://puremvc.org/
> > PureMVC4GWT is hosted on Google Code at
> >http://code.google.com/p/purevmc4gwt/
> > Feel free to try it and join me to help me to leverage it.
> > Regards.
> > Luciano Broussal
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