I moved my current project to GWT 1.5. While on 1.4 I had no problems
I encounter some strange problems using GWT 1.5. I already had a
problem that I was able to repair by recreating the project and copy
and pasting my old stuff into the newly created project. After that it
worked. I think that this was a problem that refered to GWT 1.5.

Now I'm facing a another problem, and I think it is also a GWT 1.5
specific problem, that makes absolutly no sense to me.

I created some objects:
package kiretose.server.universal;

import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.IsSerializable;

@javax.persistence.Table( name="ForumTopics" )
public class TopicMetaInfo implements IsSerializable {
...here come Constructors, variables, setter/getter

Note that the annotations refer to Hibernate.
The object acutally is fine. I have some other objects that are quite
similar. They also implement IsSerializable.

Now when I try to run my app I get some error messages that are not
plausible to me:

[TRACE] Compiling Java source files in module 'kiretose.Index'
   [TRACE] Removing units with errors
      [ERROR] Errors in 'path/to/project/kiretose/src/kiretose/client/
         [ERROR] Line 12: No source code is available for type
kiretose.server.universal.TopicMetaInfo; did you forget to inherit a
required module?

If I look into TopicWidget.java

public class TopicWidget extends SimplePanel implements
AsyncCallback<Object>,ClickListener {
        TopicMetaInfo[] topicMetaInfos; //this is line 12

I get a whole bunch of error message of this type that I am not able
to understand. My app actually runs without problems. Maybee somebody
knows what is going on here?
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