
If the current Java code is in the same project where you are adding
GWT on the client, you don't need a jar.

Your current Java code does have to be sanitized to meet the 'closed
world' requirements of the GWT compiler.  Read the documentation on
the GWT compiler and JRE emulation classes for details.

Your current Java code will have to be findable by the GWT compiler,
which means there must be a .gwt.xml file on the classpath when you
run the GWT compiler (you'll need to create that), and it needs to
indicate where the compile sources are.  There are basically two ways
to approach this part:

1. keep your sources exactly where they are; place your Pkg1.gwt.xml
file in the root folder of the smallest containing sub-tree for all
the classes you need to include, and use the <source path="x"/> tag as
many times as necessary to indicate (and hopefully isolate) just the
classes you want compiled by GWT.

2. do a little folder reorganization so that the classes you will
share between server and client side are isolated cleanly; have a
'client' folder at the root of that sub-tree, and place your
Pkg1.gwt.xml file as a direct sibling to the client folder.  Then you
don't need <source> tags.

Try that, report any errors you get, and we'll sort it out from there.


On Sep 27, 3:30 pm, Suri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm a GWT newbie and I've just come fresh after reading up the basics
> from the Google GWT tutorial. Here's my situation:
> I have an existing Java based web application (Struts based). Now I'm
> trying to add a new module to it and figure I'd try to incorporate GWT
> - mostly because I expect the new module to be a few very dynamic
> pages communicating with the server often.
> Now my first question is, how do I reference my current Java code in
> this GWT program. i.e if i have the following
> com.pkg1.Class1;
> com.pkg1.pkg2.Class2;
> in my existing Java code,
> and in my GWT java class I import these 2 classes for implementation,
> what are the exact steps I need to follow so that these are correctly
> added to the GWT program and can compile. So far, I haven't seemed to
> have found a definitive answer to this problem. I saw a few solutions
> of people saying a jar needs to be included and it needs to have a
> <name>.gwt.xml file which gets inherited or something but didn't quite
> understand what exactly they meant.Some others spoke about source code
> having to be available for the program to compile in order to convert
> the javascript. The reading ended up leaving me in a half baked
> situation which still doesn't help my GWT program compile.
> I'd really appreciate some help and maybe a few fundamentals on what
> needs to be happening.
> Thanks
> Suri
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