i've the same problem while running Symantec Client Firewall. There
are some posts on http://gwt-ext.com/forum/ (search firewall) about
this problem but unfortunately no solution (except perhaps that the
problem can be resolved by changing some rules (no information what
exactly has to be changed thoug) on your firewall)

On Sep 25, 10:25 am, Nicolas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe we should post a bug. Is there a place for that ?
> On 26 août, 02:33, Gabriel Krupa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The firewall software in my compamy seems to modify the Left shift "
> > << " operators.
> > in the generated Java Script there ist following line:
> > function Eob(a){if(a<=30){return 1<<a}else{return Eob(30)*Eob(a-30)}}
> > and the Java Script received through firewall looks like this:
> > function Eob(a){if(a<=30){return 1&lt;<a}else{return
> > Eob(30)*Eob(a-30)}}
> > I have shorty investigated the generated JavaScript Code differences
> > between GWT 1.4 and GWT 1.5 and GWT 1.4 does not use Left Shift
> > operators as extensive as GWT 1.5.
> > The question is: Who should change the code. GWT Team or firewall
> > producer?  GWT 1.4 is OK GWT 1.5 is not working.
> > Regards,
> > Gabriel
> > On 25 Jul., 13:08, dendie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I hav the same problem. I can openhttp://gwt-ext.com/demo-ux/andthe
> > > old 
> > > showcase2-apphttp://gwt-ext.com/showcase2/www/com.gwtext.sample.showcase2.Showcase...
> > > but the newhttp://gwt-ext.com/demo/doesn'tworksince they released
> > > gwt 1.5 RC 1.
> > > At home there is no issue
> > > That's the reason, why I can't develop with gwt 1.5 RC 1 im my company.
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