Does anybody know if it's possible to specify one or more CSS file(s)
(not styles, but rather files containing styles) from client code?
(currently I link them within HTML file).

On Oct 3, 4:01 pm, Thomas Broyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3 oct, 12:12, Zied Hamdi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > I'm new to GWT (but I read the tutorial). I need to give my tabs a
> > different color, and this is what I see in my firebug:
> > .gwt-TabBar .gwt-TabBarItem {standard.css (line 870)
> > background:#D0E4F6 none repeat scroll 0%;
> > color:black;
> > cursor:pointer;
> > font-weight:bold;
> > margin-left:6px;
> > padding:3px 6px;
> > text-align:center;}
> > .gwt-TabBar-Into .gwt-TabBarItem {main.css (line 55)
> > background:#EEEEEE none repeat scroll 0%;
> > color:#6F6F6F;
> > }
> > so the standard css background and color are overriding my locally
> > defined attrs in main.css.
> > Is it due to a bad configuration? or is it the way it is supposed to
> > work?
> How is the main.css included? It might be a "priority" problem: if
> main.css is loaded before standard.css (which will probably be the
> case if main.css is not GWT-injected with a <stylesheet> in your
> module's gwt.xml), given that the two selectors have the same
> "specificity" [1], their rules are evaluated in the order they've been
> loaded, so the background and color set in standard.css will override
> the one set in your main.css.
> Try adding an "!important" to your rules and see if they're applied
> (with !important, the rules in standard.css won't override your own !
> important rules, even though they are evaluated after them).
> If that's the case, try to find a way for your stylesheet to be loaded
> after standard.css (and remove the !important, which is bad practice
> and recommended for user-stylesheets only [2]), either by getting your
> main.css injected by GWT, or by inheriting StandardResources (instead
> of Standard) and calling the standard.css by yourself...
> If I were you however, I'd file a bug to have the injected stylesheet
> come *before* the existing ones so that the ones already present in
> the page override the injected stylesheets...
> [1]
> [2]
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