On 5 oct, 21:35, gregor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> GWT (client side) is limited in that it executes in javascript.
> Javascript does not support reflection,

Er, "JavaScript does not support reflection" ???

GWT (by design) doesn't generate "reflectable" code, and doesn't
provide reflection APIs, but you can't blame JavaScript. It's
reflection that drives all those cross-browser pure-JavaScript
frameworks (if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { ...use XMLHTTPRequest... }
else if (window.ActiveXObject) { ...use new ActiveXObject... }).

> and it is reflection that
> makes the bean specification, Tomcat, application servers etc etc
> work. It is also what makes "binding" domain classes to UI widgets
> work in Swing, SWT etc. In a web application running in a browser this
> is not possible (or rather not viably implementable in javacript

I think the initial request was mainly for design-time support (custom
editors, not data-binding), i.e. Java-only (not JavaScript).

AFAICT (I don't know java.beans.* actually), some of it is already
possible. Just exclude your *BeanInfo, *Editor, etc. classes from Java-
to-JavaScript compilation:
   <source path="client" excludes="**/*BeanInfo.java, **/
*Editor.java" />

Of course, things like EventHandler.create(...) cannot be done
(probably using a generator, but with some important amount of work
for very limited benefits, IMO).
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