would you mind sharing how you got it working

On Sep 10, 9:26 pm, Thad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been using OOPHM onLinuxwith Firefox 3.0.1 for about a week now
> and I'm generally happy with the results.  I had some initial problems
> converting one project over when I missed one of Eclipse's links to
> gwt-user.jar.  That seemed to cause my RPC servlet calls to fail, but
> I got that corrected.
> Two days ago I was having some difficulty with OOPHM the Canvas widget
> from gwt-canvas--OOPHM would launch but the Canvas would throw a
> JavaScriptException in a random fashion:  The launch might fail two or
> three times, but then without any change in my code whatsoever, it
> would launch.  It seems that worked itself out by moving gwt-canvas
> back into a JAR and putting it in my classpath.  I'd prefer to keep it
> un-jar'ed for making modifications, but this is working for now.
> On Sep 9, 8:54 am, Arthur Kalmenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Currently in GWT (1.5 and below),hostedmodeis tied to the OS.
> > Windows uses an IE basedhostedmode, OS X a WebKet based one, and
> >Linuxuses a Mozilla basedhostedmode. As far as I know, these are
> > stripped down versions of these browsers.
> > Out-Of-ProcessHostedMode(OOPHM) is currently a branch in active
> > development that should be part of GWT 1.6, from what I've heard.OOPHMwill 
> > allow you to use any browser as yourhostedmode, even your
> > existing browser that may have a number of extensions on it. If you're
> > interested, take a look at the design doc 
> > here:http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/wiki/DesignOOPHMorgrab
> > that branch and give it a whirl. Unfortunately, I don't thinkOOPHM
> > works correctly with Firefox yet, but others can correct me.
> > Regards,
> > Arthur Kalmenson
> > On Sep 8, 9:47 am, Dimitri Kurashvili <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Title of the post mentioned above:
> > > <h3>Can gwthostedbrowser render like Firefox instead of using
> > > AppleWebKit in MacOS?</h3>

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