
I've benn thinking and trying about using the GWT Shell with the
bussines server instead the

I've used -noserver option; but it has two caveats ( at least for me )
- It is very sloooo oo oooow
- Some static elements (f.e. Css files ) cannot be easily changed

So I've been researching for another way to make GWT Shell work with
external server.
I can see a way using the internal shell tomcat as a proxy server to/
from the bussines server
( by handling the rpc calls from/to client to/from server )

I've looking at the into the web, and I found two ways to make it. I'm
not sure which can be the best ( easy to implement and deploy,
efficient, minimun error )
The 2 ways are

- First way: Use a socket sender/reciber:
Using the code on
and feeding the client input stream with the request stream
                final InputStream streamFromClient =
                final OutputStream streamToClient =
Now, I don't know exaxtly how to seralize/deserialize the objects into
the stream

- Second way: use foward/redirect servlet handling
¿ Will an RPC work with a redirect or will fail / be blocked by SOP ?
¿ Foward works between different servers ?

Well, I would appreciate any suggestion to make this work , because
now I'm a little stuck on what way should I try ( or why not attempt
to do it )

Thank you


pd. yes, a simple RMI  call will do the work - RMI is included into
J2SE - but it's very overkilling
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