I will add my report to this as well. Seems like a bug, or oversight
in the error logging from GWT.

My test (which passes in isolation):
public class PackagePanelTest extends GWTTestCase {
  public String getModuleName() {
    return "com.xyzclient.web.App";

  public void testShouldMakeAllFieldsAvailableWhenPopulated() throws
Exception {
    Pkg pkg = new PackageBuilder("2008xxxx").build();
    PackagePanel packagePanel = new PackagePanel();

My suite **Note how it differs from the instructions on the web. I
create a GWTTestSuite, not a TestSuite:

public class AllGwtTests extends GWTTestSuite {
        public static Test suite() {
                GWTTestSuite suite = new GWTTestSuite();
                return suite;

My suite passes (when run in the IDE), but it has messages such as
Compiling Java source files in module 'com.xyzclient.web.App.JUnit'
   Removing units with errors
      [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/Users/admin/projects/x/pr/test-gwt/com/
         [ERROR] Line 12: No source code is available for type
com.google.gwt.junit.tools.GWTTestSuite; did you forget to inherit a
required module?
Rebinding com.google.gwt.junit.client.impl.GWTRunner
   Removing units with errors
      [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/Users/admin/projects/x/pr/test-gwt/com/
         [ERROR] Line 12: No source code is available for type
com.google.gwt.junit.tools.GWTTestSuite; did you forget to inherit a
required module?


On Oct 23, 1:23 pm, sean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> I also receive the "No source code is available for type
> com.google.gwt.junit.tools.GWTTestSuite; did you forget to inherit a
> required module? " message. I think this must be something GWT just
> left out. One would think you would find the module for GWTTestSuite,
> but it does not exist. However, the functionality still works for me
> (all test classes get run). So the errors are thrown but don't seem to
> matter. Kind of annoying.
> On Oct 14, 4:44 am, Jan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I created a module containing GWTTestCases as described here (I am
> > using GWT 1.5.2 on Windows XP):
> >http://code.google.com/docreader/#p=google-web-toolkit-doc-1-5&s=goog...
> > and here
> >http://60-248-16-66.hinet-ip.hinet.net/GWT/doc/html/com.google.gwt.do...
> > I have one GWTTestCase class and one GWTTestSuite class. Here is the
> > code:
> > 8< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> > package test.client;
> > import junit.framework.Test;
> > import junit.framework.TestSuite;
> > import com.google.gwt.junit.tools.GWTTestSuite;
> > public class TestTestSuite extends GWTTestSuite {
> >         public static Test suite() {
> >                 TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("Tests");
> >                 suite.addTestSuite(TestTest.class);
> >                 return suite;
> >         }
> > }
> > ---
> > package test.client;
> > import com.google.gwt.junit.client.GWTTestCase;
> > public class TestTest extends GWTTestCase {
> >         @Override
> >         public String getModuleName() {
> >                 return "test.Test";
> >         }
> >         public void testStuff() {
> >                 assertTrue(2 + 2 == 4);
> >         }
> > }
> > >8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> > And here is the Module xml:
> > <module>
> >     <inherits name='com.google.gwt.junit.JUnit'/>
> > </module>
> > Invoking the test case using the following command line works:
> > @java -Dgwt.args="-out www-test" -Xmx256M -cp ".\src;.\bin;.\lib
> > \junit.jar;.\lib\gwt-user.jar;.\lib\gwt-dev-windows.jar"
> > junit.textui.TestRunner test.client.TestTest %*
> > Invoking the TestTestSuite using the following command line:
> > @java -Dgwt.args="-out www-test" -Xmx256M -cp ".\src;.\bin;.\lib
> > \junit.jar;.\lib\gwt-user.jar;.\lib\gwt-dev-windows.jar"
> > junit.textui.TestRunner test.client.TestTestSuite %*
> > fails with the error message:
> > Error: java.lang.ClassCastException: class test.client.TestTestSuite
> > I checked the class path several times. All src folders and jars are
> > present.
> > I played around with the code a bit. Letting the TestTestSuite class
> > inherit from GWTTestCase works (to some extend). Here is the changed
> > code:
> > package test.client;
> > import junit.framework.Test;
> > import com.google.gwt.junit.client.GWTTestCase;
> > import com.google.gwt.junit.tools.GWTTestSuite;
> > public class TestTestSuite extends GWTTestCase {
> >         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >         public String getModuleName() {
> >                 return "test.Test";
> >         }
> >         public static Test suite() {
> >                 GWTTestSuite suite = new GWTTestSuite("Tests");
> >                 suite.addTestSuite(TestTest.class);
> >                 return suite;
> >         }
> > }
> > Now the test case is run. However, the GWT compiler complains with
> > some error messages:
> > Removing units with errors
> >    [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/<path goes here>/src/test/client/
> > TestTestSuite.java'
> >       [ERROR] Line 17: No source code is available for type
> > com.google.gwt.junit.tools.GWTTestSuite; did you forget to inherit a
> > required module?
> > I have no idea which module could be missing.
> > Any ideas from the GWT experts?
> > Cheers,
> > Jan
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