> Hi,
> I have the following problem: I have a chat-like component on page A,
> and the same component on page B. The chat works by long-polling i.e.
> the client is making a GWT-RPC call to a function get() and then is
> waiting on the server until a new message arrives. When a message
> arrives the call returns and the client makes a new call to get(). The
> call to get() always returns after at most 10 seconds.
> Everything works fine for all browsers as long as I stay on page A
> only or on page B only. If I jump from page A to page B in IE6, the
> chat loads but then all the messages come in after 10 seconds, then it
> waits for 10 seconds, then it retrieves all the messages, etc. No
> messages get lost, but it is very lagging.
> (this works fine in all other browsers)
> Any comments? (I have some candidate as the cause of the problem but I
> don't want to lead the discussion into a wrong direction)

Could it be some kind of "leak"?
When you leave page A, the pending request isn't freed and when the
response comes it starts another one, etc. (as if page A were still

Have you tried explicitly cancelling any pending request before
leaving the page (make your GWT-RPC method return a Request so you can
call cancel() on it from a WindowCloseListener).

Just an idea...

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