Hi Steve,

I would venture it might pay you to read and translate your CSV file
into a List of DTO objects (each, say, representing a line of CSV
text) within a GWT RPC method that sends this List back over the wire
- GWT RPC will handle all that for you. Easier, and I think parsing
the CSV might be quicker on the server in Java than slogging through
it on the client in javascript. Also, depending on your use case, you
might be able to cache it server side.

If that doesn't work for you, then look at
com.google.gwt.user.client.HTTPRequest docs.


On Nov 7, 5:26 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Its probably worth noting that i have other RPC methods that DO invoke
> the server. but i guess this isnt a standard RPC mechanism and if it
> is it isnt setup like the others.
> Thanks in advance,
> Steve
> On Nov 7, 5:04 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Im downloading a csv file from the server in a doGet method. This
> > works perfectly in hosted and web mode but not when deployed so i
> > assume i am configuring something wrong as the doGet method never gets
> > called.
> > client code is:
> > private void download(String search) {
> >     Log.warn("requesting csv from server");
> >     String link = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "/signoff";
> >     if (search != null && search.length() > 0) {
> >       link += '?' + URL.encode(search);
> >     }
> >     DOM.setElementAttribute(RootPanel.get("__download").getElement(),
> > "src", link);
> > }
> > html body is:
> > <body>
> >     <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"
> > src="com.paretopartners.signoff.signoffClient.nocache.js"></script>
> >     <iframe id="__gwt_historyFrame" style="width:0;height:0;border:
> > 0"></iframe>
> >     <iframe src="" id="__download" style="width:0;height:0;border:0"></
> > iframe>
> > </body>
> > my server has the doGet method:
> > protected void doGet(final HttpServletRequest req, final
> > HttpServletResponse resp) throws
> >         IOException {
> >     log.log(Level.WARN, "downloading CSV");
> > }
> > And as i said i think this is almost certainly a config issue but i
> > cant seem to work it out. my web.xml currently contains:
> > <servlet>
> >   <servlet-name>SignoffServiceImpl</servlet-name>
> >   <servlet-class>com.paretopartners.signoff.server.SignoffServiceImpl</
> > servlet-class>
> >   <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
> > </servlet>
> > <servlet-mapping>
> >   <servlet-name>SignoffServiceImpl</servlet-name>
> >   <url-pattern>/signoff</url-pattern>
> > </servlet-mapping>
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