Two thoughts:

1. If you set the height in "em" it might adapt the font your users
are using, this could be better than "px" but it will depend on the
2. Otherwise, for each language you want to support you'll have to use
a different height.  Create a subclass of Constants and put the height
in there, and localize it for the languages you want to support.
You'll probably have to learn how localization works in GWT by reading
the documentation for it.

Hope that helps!

On Nov 9, 6:42 am, srinath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> In ListBox I am loading the items dynamically i.e., based on some
> condition.  so, based on the length of item the ListBox size is
> increasing/diminishing in my web page.  So, here I tried by providing
> fixed size to ListBox for all the conditions.  But, if my application
> language changes then that size may not be sufficient.
> So, anybody can help me so that I can fix this issue.  Thanks in
> advance.
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