 I am student on University of Technology in Poznan. I was maintaining
some standalone application based on Witold Andrzejewski idea
(www.cs.put.poznan.pl/wandrzejewski/). Application has own framework
to help creating gui and manage actions between component on swing
window. After some time we decided to move this framework into GWT. We
needed web application. We moved some classes directly (Button,
ListBox), some classes we have to rewrite (i.e. Table). But now its
working! ;-))
 Now how it works. Witold create a standard XML file where we put all
compontent in tags. There is an information about size, look, action
which component solve, and how component interact with another
components on window, what we be sent to server. This XML is parsed to
JSON and send to GWT-client.
 Solving a actions:
 We have one controller which listening all components in window. If
some event occur (like: mouseClick on Button, selectionChanged on
ListBox, rowSelected on Table), controller broadcast this event to all
others components and they can also react. Each component can send
request to server by JSON, but response is managed by controller (why:
response can contain new window, it need to be solve as and new window
and not as a data to Table).
 What is weak? Each component interact with controller by javascript.
For 100 components it's going to be slow: Browser simply not
responding. If only one component need to answer, there is a lof of
code executed, but do nothing (I thinking to check which component
wait on which action and controller will send request only to this
component) and if table have need many rows (Browser not responding) -
I thinking about provide some messages like (No many rows) it will
 But mainly what we have?
 Smart and simple framework which can be managed by server, all
business logic is hide in XML/JSON and server. Smart, simple, but I
don't know if it is something interesting? My experience on companies
is quite small, so I don't know how it works there. Maybe each company
has it's own small framework like this? Where are we may have another
problems, which we don't see?
 Waiting for answers!
Michal Durski
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