Well in general the code is probably filled with syntax errors when  
using the Java 1.4 compiler ...

And since GWT 1.5.x is not compatible with the Java 1.4 compiler I  
would consider this a non issue.
Since GWT 1.5 is not compatible with Java 1.4 I would not expect it to  
work and the messages themselves are not particularly relevant at that  

I suppose it would be nice if the gwtCompiler would fail fast if you  
attempted to compile with an unsupported version of Java and display a  
nice message in the lines of:
"GWT 1.5.x requires Java 1.5 or better. Compile failed!"


On Nov 10, 2008, at 8:26 PM, John Gunther wrote:

> Using GWT 1.5.2, and starting with this class:
> public class NamedHTML extends HTML implements HasName {
>       public String getName() {return null;}
>       public void setName(String name) {}
> }
> If I compile the above class in Eclipse with Project, Properties, Java
> Compiler, "Compiler compliance level: 1.4", then Eclipse produces this
> perplexing error message on the first line:
> X The static method wrap(Element) conflicts with the abstract method
> in HTML
> The error goes away if make any one of these changes:
> 1) Switch to "Compiler compliance level: 5.0",
> 2) Eliminate the "implements HasName"
> 3) Replace "extends HTML" with  "extends Label"
> I understand that, in general, I need to use compiler compliance
> level 5.0 with GWT 1.5.2 (because GWT 1.5.2 uses 5.0 syntax) but
> I don't understand why the compiler thinks I've got a syntax
> error with the original situation, but thinks my code is OK in
> cases 2) and 3).
> John
> >

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